Curiosity may have killed the cat, so who knows what it will do to the person curious about Suspense reviews… Well, let’s not worry about that. Around here we’re all about books and lattes.

Hi, it’s so nice to meet you...
I love to read and am always seeking that next thrilling novel. The one I won’t put down and will read cover to cover. I can’t go to sleep if the murder isn’t solved or a serial killer is still on the loose.
I’ve embraced technology and have discovered that my Kindle lets me have an endless collection of books always at my fingertips. So that’s where you’ll find me, with a Kindle in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, escaping reality with a thrilling novel.
My first novel will be released in 2022. I’m excited to be a part of the Sunrise Publishing team to write book three in the expanded Elite Guardian series from Lynette Eason.
I have several other drafts in the works, so you’ll be seeing me on the shelves of your local bookstore in the near future.
Check back for updates on my progress.