Fallout by Carrie Stuart Parks is a complex mystery with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers intrigued. Samantha Willis finds herself smack dab in the middle of a mystery with ties to her past. A car crashes into her classroom full of students. Her life pretty much falls apart, and she has no money, ID or place to stay after the crash. She meets a few strangers, including Mary Thompson who is looking for her wayward husband, and Dutch Van Setter, an anthropologist working for Clan Firinn. Sam has to figure out who she can trust and who might be trying to kill her.
I love Carrie Stuart Parks for her quirky characters! You’ll never have boring run-of-the-mill characters in one of her novels. Sam is definitely the quirkiest, and it makes her all the more likable. I like that Clan Firinn comes into this story (I think it was first mentioned in Woman In Shadow) because it’s an interesting concept – it’s a retreat/rehab center that works with former military/law enforcement who suffer PTDS among other things.
The mystery is complex and filled with danger. The only thing I did struggle with was that the pacing was a bit slow. It was hard to connect everything together until about part way through the story. However, the author takes seemingly random events and weaves it into a fabulous tale with creative characters and an intriguing mystery. Just a warning for fans of romantic suspense, there wasn’t much in the way of romance…fine by me, but I know some readers may look for this. All in all, if you are a fan of complex mysteries with even more complex characters, definitely check out Fallout when it releases 9/13/22.
I received an ebook review copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.