e Yellow Lantern by Angie Dicken is another in the True Crimes series that focuses on historical crimes in America. Set in the early 1800’s, this story deals with the criminal activity of grave robbers stealing bodies in the middle of the night.
book reviews
The Killing Tide
I’ve never read a novel where the characters face one life threatening situation after another. There are drug lords, murders, explosions, shoot-outs, conspiracies, underwater attacks, poisonous snakes, you name it, Dani Pettrey throws it at Gabby and Finn and the rest of the investigation team!
Fire Storm
Fire Storm delves deeper into Kaley’s character, and readers see her internal struggles with her relationships, especially with her mom but also Noah. How can she trust anyone after her tumultuous past?
Fragments of Fear
Readers become engrossed in Tavish’s pursuit for justice and will root for as she tries to navigate a world that is very different than the life she’s led. The author gives an interesting perspective into the way others see Tavish versus how she sees herself.
Storm Rising
If you are a fan of gut-wrenching adrenaline-fueled non-stop action and suspense, then this book has to be number one on your summer TBR list.
Darkwater Secrets By Robin Caroll
A mysterious hotel in the French Quarter, a murder, and an endless list of suspects with motives makes this novel a must-read suspense novel.
The Pink Bonnet
The Pink Bonnet is part of a series of true crimes stories. Set in the 1930’s, the novel portrays the scandal with the Tennessee Children’s Home Society and Georgia Tann. Based on a true story, Tann ran an adoption scam and was kidnapping children and selling them to the highest bidder.
The Disappearance of Alistar Ainsworth
If you love a good old-fashioned detective mystery, you will love The Disappearance of Alistair Ainsworth. Filled with secret codes, spies, deception, and some surprising twists, this story gives the readers a case worthy of the great Sherlock himself.
Living Lies
If you’re a fan of romantic suspense, this is a novel you’ll want to pick up. For being the author’s debut novel, the writing is up to par with seasoned authors