Fragments of Fear

fans of mysteries, complex characters, and danger

Fragments of Fear
is a mystery style novel, but deviates from your typical run-of-the-mill
heroine. Evelyn McTavish, who goes by Tavish, is a complex character with flaws
and traits that most authors by-pass. She has obsessive compulsive tendencies, issues
dealing with her overbearing mother, and suffers from low self esteem. But when
confronted with a series of murders, it’s clear someone wants her dead. Tavish
has to break out of her self-imposed box and delve into a world completely out
of her comfort zone. 

Readers become
engrossed in Tavish’s pursuit for justice and will root for as she tries to navigate
a world that is very different than the life she’s led. The author gives an
interesting perspective into the way others see Tavish versus how she sees
herself. I rather enjoy novels with characters and stories lines that are
complex and unique. This isn’t a typical heroine saves the day story. Readers
will spend time trying to figure out Tavish. Is she a train wreck or a super
hero? There is a love story, but Tavish take center stage and the romance
element almost seems like an afterthought, although it does play into how
Tavish views the world around her. 

The novel took me
some time to get into, but I found Tavish to be delightful and loved to see her
transformation throughout the story. There is definitely a lot of high stakes
action and suspense, so if you are a fan of danger and life-or-death
situations, you’ll find this an exciting read. Carrie Stuart Parks always has intriguing
settings, and this takes place in the deserts of New Mexico. It’s the perfect
backdrop for this mysterious plot line.   

I received an
ebook review copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in
this review are my own.

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