For Fans of Intense Suspense and Action
Soul Raging is nail-biting suspense right down to the last page. This is the conclusion of the series, and you’ll want to read Storm Rising and Kings Falling first.
This story picks up from Kings Falling, where Leif Metcalf seems to have turned to the dark side. Soul Raging continues to follow Leif as he struggles to fill in the missing gaps of his past, not to mention that his future is prophesized in the mysterious Book of Wars – and it’s pretty bleak. Leif leaves his team rather than put them in jeopardy.
The best part of this whole series has always been the characters. Readers will get a glimpse into Mercy’s past. Iskra is always a mysterious character and this novel much of her past comes back to haunt her. Canyon Metcalf makes an appearance to help save his brother. Cell always adds his whit to any situation. But the biggest plot twists come from trying to figure out who to trust. It tears the team (and the reader) apart. Could Leif really turn towards evil? Did Dru Illiescu set up Leif this whole time? Loyalties are tested and of course, no Ronie Kendig novel is complete without an epic showdown in the end!
If you started the series, you’ll be in for a thrilling and satisfying conclusion. If you haven’t started the series, you should get book one and be prepared to read all the way through until the very end. You won’t want to put it down.
Overall: 5 stars (I loved it, couldn’t put it down)
Suspense: 5 stars (Non-stop edge-of-your-seat suspense from start to finish)
I received an ebook review copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.